Italian national comittee Greccio

Italian vision of nativity scene
The tradition of the Nativity Scene (presepe in Italian) celebrates in 2023 the 8th century of the first live representation of Baby Jesus’s birth by Saint Francis in the little Italian village of Greccio. The inspiration to creating a live scene of Nativity takes its roots during the pilgrimage he made in the Holy Land and specifically in Bethlehem. This exhibition in the Peace Center just aside the Nativity Church intends to be the recalling to the origin of the Holy event and to the journey of Saint Francis. The most beautiful and famous Italian paintings of Nativity in the various churches and museums of Italy – from Giotto to Botticelli – can be seen reproduced in silk draperies , like curtains to three stages where the Nativity Scene is magically represented by historical puppets of the bicentennial Marionettes Company Carlo Colla Company from Milan. In the last three days of the exhibition, the puppeteers of Carlo Colla Company will animate the traditional Nativity play, with scenes from the ancient play “La capanna di Betlemme”, with live piano music accompaniment.
– Paolo Dalla Sega
Italian National Committee Greccio 2023
Ancient marionettes by >
Images of the paintings by >
Botticelli, Leonardo, Piero della Francesca, Fra Angelico, Giotto, Filippo Lippi, Perugino, Raffaello, Tiepolo
Project by > Change Performing Arts
directed by > Franco Laera
production > Martina Galbiati, Marta Dellabona