Once again Giorgio Barberio Corsetti faces Greek classics, re-reading them through a modern vision; after Metamorphosis and the Argonauts’ journey searching for the Golden Fleece, Barberio Corsetti leaves for a new, mythical journey in order to discover histories of gods and heroes, full of magic and adventurous fantasy, starting from the extraordinary Hellenistic poem. This time he focuses on the deeds and adventures of Dionysus, who has fascinated modern people the most. Dionysus is not only known as the god of theatre, but also as the god of transformation, plunged in the changing flood of events and introducing himself under numberless aspects and wearing different masks, able to mix the divine dimension with the human one. Violent sensations and extremely passionate tones, almost an orgiastic inebriation runs through the narration, especially through the huge introduction, which tells about Dionysus’ adventurous ‘double’ birth and his youth. |
Stuck to his experimental research and to his linguistic background, Giorgio Barberio Corsetti keeps responding to external stimuli in order to transform them into theatrical signs: a video installation becomes the link between distant realities and interacts with the actors and with the acrobats of the French circensian artists Dare d'Art , with whom he has been working for some years, fully reaching the integration between theatre and circus’ arts. The play, born as a collaboration between Fattore K and CRT Artificio, will open during the summer season at Ortigia Festival in Siracusa (Sicily) in July 2006 and afterwards will be touring in archaeologic venues and later in-doors.