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Peter Greenaway
production dates

Shanghai, China
World Expo 2010
Italian Pavilion
1 May - 31 October 2010
By 2050 two-thirds of the People of the World will live in cities. The design of cities is the key to a successful life-style. For over 2050 years Italy has shown what it is to build cities that have provided a successful life-style.
Such a record is a promising blueprint for the cities of the future.

"L'Italia delle città" (Italy and its cities) is the artistic and communication project conceived for ICE (Italian Institute for Foreign Trade) in the Italian Pavilion for the Shanghai World Expo 2010, designed according to the theme of the Expo: "Better City, Better Life". ICE confirms through this project the relevance of cities as the product and the expression of the Italian culture, which is even more notable considering the increasing globalization that brings to a progressive disappearance of the different identity cultures. The cities risk losing their peculiarities in favour of a fake intercultural modernity.

As for the art of building a city, Italy holds a record of excellence: Italian cities are its first visiting card. From the ancient times till now they express the culture, which comes from the history and becomes the representation of the Italian elegance and style. The concept of the "made in Italy" is based on this culture, and the cities are the first macro representation of it and at the same time they are its engine. The participation of ICE to the World Expo Shanghai 2010 is founded on the idea of the Italian city as a public work of art, product of the history and main engine of all the productive activities of the present.

The subject of the Italian city - conceived by the architect Uberto Siola with his team of collaborators - is presented through an highly technological artistic installation that develops the new idea of an "architectural cinema", designed by the British director Peter Greenaway and developed by Change Performing Arts. The company based in Milan is currently engaged in a series of researches based on the dialogue between art masterpieces and new digital technologies.


by Peter Greenaway

The project has been promoted by the Ambassador Umberto Vattani
and the Italian Trade Commission - ICE

Concept Uberto Siola
Design Peter Greenaway
Curated by Franco Laera
Produced by Change Performing Arts
Scientific Committee Uberto Siola, Renato Capozzi, Francesco Collotti,
Gianni Fabbri, Gino Malacarne, Daniele Vitale, Federica Visconti

dancer Roberto Bolle
video editing Elmer Leupen
video design Matteo Massocco
photography Luciano Romano
production manager Izumi Arakawa, Franco Gabualdi
set design Valentina Tescari
light design Marcello Lumaca
sound design Huibert Boon
calligraphy Brody Neuenschwander
image research Laura Artoni, with Elena Ciapparelli, Federico Del Prete

media partner Mediacontech
video setup Euphon
programming Marco Tufariello
light and sound Volume
sound design Walter Prati
set installation Eurostands

We would like to thank the Museo del Bargello for the loan
of the bronze model of Perseus by Benvenuto Cellini